“I feel mentally lighter all day now, thanks to you!”
Inspiration & Success Stories
These clients asked if we could post their comments on our website so they could offer their testimonials as encouragement
"Hire her! I thought that was the best way to show my complete satisfaction with her Lighten Up! service. Yvette was honestly a life saver for me. I had 2000 lbs of household items in storage for 10 years. Yvette and her assistant dove in and helped decide what to keep, donate, throw out, and sell. She is so knowledgeable of which organizations take what items, that we sorted the items quickly and efficiently. She introduced me to "A Wider Circle" who received the bulk of my donations. Great organization that I will continue to support. She did everything I had hoped for!"
Karen, Washington, DC
"Yvette, you are a GODDESS. Thank you – and Catherine and Mia! – for your hard work and compassionate approach to the disassembly of the condo. You have taken us to the final miles, and I think I speak for my siblings and our spouses that we are eternally grateful. We'll be sure to refer you to our friends!"
Laura, Alexandria, VA
"I consider working with you to be one of the best investments or gifts to myself that I have ever made. I never knew I could be that efficient and have it be so much easier than I could have imagined. It gave me a huge feeling of accomplishment and liberation, and I learned some valuable – and I daresay – life-changing techniques from you. But most of all, I appreciated your contagious energy and your friendly, non-judgmental attitude. You helped me remove a proverbial albatross that had been hanging around my neck for a good 8 years."
Sarah, Washington, DC
"I would HIGHLY recommend Yvette!!! She has a lot of great ideas that are very simple and easy to implement. Yvette likes to jump right in and start on the first visit. I liked that. I can see my closet floor and years of paperwork are in labeled files now, among other things!! Yvette is very approachable and works full speed ahead. Most items you have to donate she will drop off for you and return with a receipt in hand for a tax write off! I think you will enjoy the results!"
Marta, Centreville, VA
"What a great way to ease the stress of moving! After recently relocating, I found myself completely encircled by boxes, books, and furniture. There was barely a path to walk from one room to the next. It was then that Yvette from Lighten Up! came to the rescue. She analyzed the space – and the stuff I was trying to cram into it – and figured out the most efficient way to make everything work. Then without delay she unpacked and organized nonstop."
Cindy, Reston, VA
"Yvette helped me get out of my stuck mode with one day's work. My finished attic had become inundated with boxes of paper, old unfinished projects, useless furniture and junk. I had been trying to work my way through this for almost a year. Yvette came in and in one day helped me break through my inability to envision how to get to the future. And once we broke through my old way of organizing (or not organizing!) my mind opened up to see the possibilities. I am very grateful for Yvette's patient help, organizational expertise, positive energy, and ability to see where I needed and wanted to go. She helps you discover your vision by understanding what will work for you. This is custom organization, not one way fits all. What a relief!"
Michelle, Kensington, MD
"We have been really happy with the garage reorganization. It looks so clean – even the kids have been putting stuff back in the right place!"
Margaret, Bethesda, MD
"First, let me say that last week I saw first-hand what you have been able to accomplish with this client. It is awesome!!! It is a wonderful organized system and she is loving it with a smile! This is exactly what she needed as well as I to be able to locate any documents I may need to see to help her maintain benefits. Thank you for your hard work and to create an incredible result!"
CA, Chantilly, Virginia
"I was always a clutter bug with a mild form of hoarding. I did not know all of that was making me sick in some way or another. Yvette came in and made me feel at ease. She puts things in place not throwing out things. I always had a problem with anyone touching my stuff and throwing out things. I was a little scared at first, but what a big change the room is now. I taught my nephew the same principles as I was taught and now everyday he makes his bed and his room is clean and neat. I then organized my bedroom. There was so much stuff piled up everywhere. Now my room looks so much bigger than before and I leave my door open for anyone to see I am so proud of myself and I’m not depressed in the mornings anymore."
Karen, Manassas, VA
"I am an extremely private person and so allowing an individual access to my belongings is a huge leap for me. I am very grateful and feel like a heavy weight has been lifted."
Pat, Reston, VA
"We use only 20% of what we own. The other 80% is stuff we once used, feel we ‘should’ use, or think we might use ‘someday.’"
— Julie Morgenstern (New York Times Bestselling Author, Organizing from the Inside Out)
“After clutter clearing, you are likely to surprise yourself by wanting to do things you have put off for a long time… replant the garden, take a course, or take a vacation.”
— Karen Kingston (Author of Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui)
"Yvette, I can't thank you enough for your help. I had no idea how painless it was going to be! I already feel more energetic. Now I look forward to walking into my bedroom knowing that it's a peaceful, orderly place. I love it."
LeeAnnGaithersburg, MD
"I can't overemphasize the benefit your service has been to me. I received a letter from the IRS about a tax payment, and I was quickly able to find the statement in question because of your organization! I've taken two more big loads of clothing and household items to thrift shops, and continue to find things that I can, and have, "let go of" that I used to consider keepers just because I've always had them. I think of you often because it was so much fun to work with you."
Lorraine, Alexandria, VA
"I recommend Lighten Up! to everyone I know! In a matter of hours, Yvette helped me complete projects I'd been putting off for years. Getting organized was a huge relief, and she made it easy."
Carolyn, Washington, DC
Thank you, Yvette. I've raved to everyone about your service. I admire how you not only jump into the trenches in organizing, but give cues and pointers towards transferring training and skill ability for me to organize and maintain the organization myself. That is priceless. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
KCG, Bowie, MD
"You do great work. It's been 2 months now and we have maintained the organized bedroom you left us with. It just gives me so much more peace of mind when I walk in our bedroom because it's de-cluttered, and I don't see unfinished projects everywhere (which stressed me out). It helped that both of us were a part of the organizing process so we're both cognizant of keeping it under control. I also organized the kids' playroom using the suggestions you gave me."
Pam, Annandale, VA
"I have been overwhelmed busy but your organization in the office is working out great! It has also helped me be more proactive with the mail sorting for the household bills."
Lee, Sterling, VA
"Organization has definitely proven to be more than just a pet peeve for my mom. She has organized every inch of our office and every paper on file. She does it with such precision and detail that she can call me and tell me the exact name of a file and know exactly where in the file I need to look to pull out a bill or a certificate. This specific kind of organization has been taught to me and put to use with organizing my filed papers from school. I have learned her techniques and can easily slip a paper in a drawer yet never lose it. This is an unbelievable feat for a teenager!"
Suzanna, My Daughter